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Our dispatch warehouse

Our dispatch warehouse is one of the most modern distribution centres in Europe. We ship several thousand deliveries worldwide every day. The items range from a small screw or guitar string to large instruments and equipment. Each package is quickly packed to the highest standard, checked and carefully handed over to the top shipping service providers.

The material flow control and pick-to-light was developed by LUCA Logistic Solutions specifically for our needs.

Incoming goods

We place special emphasis not only on the shipping process itself, but also pay great attention to the quality of the goods. Quality control starts with the incoming goods. Each item is carefully checked and documented at the time of receipt.


After the goods have been entered, the material flow computer controls the proper storage in the high-bay warehouse or in the automated miniload system. Once the goods have arrived correctly at the storage location can the warehouse management system plan the dispatch.

Order Commissioning

Orders are immediately entered into the system and released for commissioning after verification. Our dispatch warehouse is fully automated. The integrated pick-by-light system supports the employees in high-quality consignment.


Once all of the items have been commissioned, each package is checked at an automated checkpoint. Only when the checkpoint has given its approval do the packages move on to dispatch.

Packing & Shipping

Once all of the items in the shipping box have been picked and checked, the shipping documents and labels are created. The boxes and pallets leave our warehouse via several dispatch points, where the vehicles of the shipping services are waiting.